- 1028 Market Street (sf)
- 159th Infantry Regiment (oakland)
- 1812 (sac)
- 1839 (sac)
- 1848 (sac)
- 1849 (sac)
- 1856 (sac)
- 1857 (sac)
- 1869 (sac)
- 1872 (sac)
- 1877 (sac)
- 1881 (sac)
- 1889 (powhatan)
- 1895 Arrest of 9 City Councilmembers (oakland)
- 1906 Earthquake (sf)
- 1906 San Francisco Earthquake - Effects on Oakland (oakland)
- 1918 Flu Pandemic (oakland)
- 1946 Oakland General Strike (oakland)
- 1960 Flag Day Parade Douglass Center Drill team (cu)
- 1968-9 Student Strike (sfsu)
- 2013-02-27 Book Lecture - Oakland Public Library - Robert Stanley Oden (oakland)
- 25th Street Telco Building (sf)
- 2976 23rd Street (sf)
- 300 Block of W Elm St (cu)
- 4th Avenue Street Fair (tucson)
- 717 Market Street (sf)
- 7th Street (oakland)
- 99 S Van Ness Ave (sf)
- Abolitionism (ann-arbor)
- Abraham Bercovich (oakland)
- Action Office (ann-arbor)
- A. D. Eames (oakland)
- Adelaide in 1840 (adelaide)
- Adelaide Street Names - Details (adelaide)
- Adler Mental Health Center (cu)
- Adolph Goetz's National Brewery (gr)
- African American (oakland)
- African American Education (Historical) (oakland)
- African Americans in the Civil War (cu)
- African-American Veterans of World War II (cu)
- Agritopia (gilbert)
- Alamance Battleground State Historic Site (alamance)
- Alamance County Historical Museum (alamance)
- Alameda County Birth Control League (oakland)
- Alameda County Probation Department (oakland)
- Alameda Lagoons (alameda)
- Al Baker (cu)
- Albers Brothers Milling Company (oakland)
- Albert Alexander (cu)
- Albert R. Lee (cu)
- Albert W. Burrell (oakland)
- Alex Nieto (sf)
- Allen Rivers (cu)
- Alma Gems (cu)
- Alma Lavenson (oakland)
- Alpha Phi at the University of Arizona (tucson)
- Alpha Washtenaw Bryan (ann-arbor)
- Alternate history tour (ann-arbor)
- Alva B Torres Plaza (tucson)
- Alvin Meyer (cu)
- Ambassadors (cu)
- Ambrosia Wysinger Jones (oakland)
- Amelia Earhart (oakland)
- America's Response Monument (nyc)
- Amerind Museum (tucson)
- Ancient Spanish Monastery (miami)
- Andersonville Water Tower (chicago)
- Andrew J. Moon (oakland)
- Angela Davis (oakland)
- Angel Island (tiburon)
- Ann Arbor (Automobile) (ann-arbor)
- Ann Arbor City Council Membership: Modern Era (ann-arbor)
- Ann Arbor History (ann-arbor)
- Ann Arbor Railroad history (ann-arbor)
- Ann Arbor's Streetcars (ann-arbor)
- Ann Arbor Tenants Union (ann-arbor)
- Anna Tutt Honeys (cu)
- Annie Beck House (ftl)
- Annie Bell Hill (cu)
- Another Ann Arbor (ann-arbor)
- Appomattox Club (oakland)
- Arbor Villa (oakland)
- Architectural History of Oakland (oakland)
- Architecture of Alameda (alameda)
- Argo Mills (ann-arbor)
- Arizona Historical Society (tucson)
- Arizona Historical Society Downtown History Museum (tucson)
- Arizona History Museum (tucson)
- Arizona Snowbowl (tucson)
- Arizona Stadium (tucson)
- Arizona State Museum (tucson)
- Arizona State Museum (duplicate) (tucson)
- Arizona State School for the Deaf & Blind (tucson)
- Arlington Heights Historical Museum (arlington-heights)
- Arsenal of Democracy (detroit)
- Art Brunk (cu)
- Artesian and Geothermal Water (boise)
- Art Hardyman (cu)
- Athenian-Nile Club (oakland)
- Bailey Memorial Cemetery (cu)
- Balboa Pavilion (irvine)
- Barbara Gillespie-Washington (cu)
- Barb Baggerly (cu)
- BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) History (oakland)
- Bartley Ranch Park (reno-sparks)
- Baseball History (oakland)
- Battle of Great Bridge and The Bridge (hrva)
- Beale's Wagon Road (kingman)
- Bear Down Gym (tucson)
- Belva McKinley (cu)
- Belvedere Land Company (tiburon)
- Belvedere Tiburon Landmarks Society (tiburon)
- Benjamin Lyford (tiburon)
- Ben Ward (cu)
- Bernal Heights (sf)
- Bernice Chambers (cu)
- Bertha Gary (cu)
- Bert W. Peet (ann-arbor)
- BetaLab (oakland)
- Beth Eden Baptist Church (oakland)
- Bisbee History (bisbee)
- Black Diamond (concord)
- Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame (oakland)
- Black History (oakland)
- Black History Month/2014 Events (oakland)
- Black House (sf)
- Blackie's Pasture (tiburon)
- Blanche Graffis (cu)
- Blowing Rock Art & History Museum (br)
- Blues City: A Walk in Oakland (2003) (oakland)
- Boise Architecture (boise)
- Boise Basin Gold Rush (boise)
- Boise Valley Electric Railroad (boise)
- Bonnet House (ftl)
- Books About Oakland (oakland)
- Bracero Program (oakland)
- Brokaw McDougall House (tallahassee)
- Brooklyn (oakland)
- Brooklyn ship (oakland)
- Bruce Lee (oakland)
- Bryant Street MUNI building (sf)
- Bubblegum Alley (slo)
- Buddhist Church of Oakland (oakland)
- Burch Village (cu)
- Caldecott Tunnel Fire (oakland)
- California City (tiburon)
- California Historical Landmarks in Oakland (oakland)
- California Hotel (oakland)
- California Military Academy (oakland)
- Camelback Mountain (camelback-mountain)
- Camp Dimond, Boy Scouts of America (oakland)
- Camp John T. Knight (oakland)
- Camp Merchant (oakland)
- Camron-Stanford House (oakland)
- Candy's Lounge (cu)
- Capitalists (oakland)
- Carlos Montezuma (cu)
- Carol Lewis (cu)
- Carrie Nelson (cu)
- Carrie Pope Banks (cu)
- Cemeteries (cu)
- Center for Creative Photography (tucson)
- Central Library (seattle)
- Central Pacific Railroad Depot (oakland)
- Central Synagogue (nyc)
- Chapel of the Chimes (oakland)
- Charles Alexander Klinkner (oakland)
- Charles Chapman (ann-arbor)
- Charles Crocker (oakland)
- Charles Edward Kingsford Smith (oakland)
- Charles O. Brown house (The Old Adobe Patio) (tucson)
- Charlotte Anita Whitney (oakland)
- Chase Bank Building (tucson)
- Chauncey Bailey (oakland)
- Chelsea Area Historical Society (ann-arbor)
- Chesapeake Historic Places (hrva)
- Chicano Revolutionary Party (oakland)
- Chief of Police (oakland)
- China Cabin (tiburon)
- Chinatown (oakland)
- Chinese American History (oakland)
- Chinese Camp (oakland)
- Chinese in Boise (boise)
- Chocolate Cooler Company (gr)
- City Council Members (historical) (oakland)
- City efforts to clamp down on civil unrest (oakland)
- City History (pawtucket)
- City of Oakland Walking Tours (oakland)
- Clarence Love Lounge (tulsa)
- Clark's Hall (fremont)
- Clawson Elementary School (oakland)
- C. L. Dellums (oakland)
- Cleveland Glover (oakland)
- Cocoraque Butte and Ranch (tucson)
- Coit Hotel (oakland)
- College Avenue (tallahassee)
- Colonial History (oakland)
- Colossal Cave (tucson)
- Community Websites (cu)
- Congress Street (tucson)
- Constance Rourke (gr)
- Cornelius Cornwell (ann-arbor)
- Cornwell Building (ann-arbor)
- Cornwell's Paper Mill (ann-arbor)
- Covered Bridge (coralsprings)
- Culinary Historians of Ann Arbor (ann-arbor)
- Cybercafes (sf)
- Cypress Structure (oakland)
- Daniel L. Quirk, Sr. (ann-arbor)
- Darien Guild of the Seven Arts (darien)
- Daughters of the American Revolution/National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Eli Skinner Chapter (arlington-heights)
- Davie Tennis Stadium (oakland)
- Davis-Monthan Air Force Boneyard (tucson)
- de Fremery (oakland)
- de Fremery Park (oakland)
- de Fremery Wharf and Land Company (oakland)
- De Lauer's Super News Stand (oakland)
- Del Courtney (oakland)
- Demetrius Ypsilanti (ann-arbor)
- Desert Yard (oakland)
- Detroit 1701 (detroit)
- Detroit Department of Street Railways (detroit)
- Detroit Historical Society (detroit)
- Detroit Public Library (detroit)
- Detroit Sound Conservancy (detroit)
- Detroit Sound Historical Landmarks Committee (detroit)
- Detroit Sports (detroit)
- Detroit Streetcars (detroit)
- Detroit United Railway (detroit)
- Dexter Area Historical Society & Museum (ann-arbor)
- De Young Museum San Francisco (deyoungsf)
- D.G. Gibson (oakland)
- Diablo Valley College (concord)
- Dirtbags (tucson)
- Displacement of Black Residents in Bayview Hunter's Point (sf)
- Dodger Stadium (Chávez Ravine) (la)
- Dog Fighting (oakland)
- Donald P. McCullum (oakland)
- Downtown Oakland Historic District (oakland)
- Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream (oakland)
- DSCTour (detroit)
- Dunn County Historical Society (menomonie)
- Durant Field (oakland)
- Early Adelaide - Nathaniel Hailes 1839-1840 (adelaide)
- Early Boise History (boise)
- East Ann Arbor (ann-arbor)
- East Bay Negro Historical Society (oakland)
- East Bay Water Company (oakland)
- East Bay Zoological Society (oakland)
- Eastern Neighborhoods Plan (sf)
- Ebell Society (oakland)
- Ebonics (oakland)
- Economic History of Oakland (oakland)
- Edison and Ford Winter Estates (fortmyersfl)
- Edison Elementary School (oakland)
- Edmond P Sanford (oakland)
- Edson Adams (oakland)
- Edward Tompkins (oakland)
- El Charro Café (tucson)
- Electra Kimble Price (oakland)
- Elizabeth Flood (oakland)
- Elks Club Building (oakland)
- Ellis Island (ellisisland)
- Elmer Keeton (oakland)
- El Tiradito (tucson)
- Emmanuel Francis Joseph (oakland)
- Englander House (sf)
- Environmental History (oakland)
- Epic Rides Mural (tucson)
- Esotouric (la)
- Eudora Proctor (oakland)
- Evergreen Cemetery (menomonie)
- Excellence Bell (boise)
- Exhibit 3000 (detroit)
- Experience at Guadalajara Grill (tucson)
- Fannie Franklin Wall (oakland)
- Fannie Wall Children’s Home and Day Nursery (oakland)
- Fanny Jackson Coppin Club (oakland)
- Federal Programs and City Politics: The Dynamics of the Aid Process in Oakland (book) (oakland)
- Ferrier Machine Works (ann-arbor)
- Festival at the Lake (oakland)
- Fire Alarm Boxes (Historic) (oakland)
- Fire Department (Historic) (oakland)
- First Christian Church of Champaign (cu)
- First computers in Boise (boise)
- First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Regiment (twincities)
- First National Bank Building (twincities)
- First Trans-Pacific Flight (oakland)
- Flanders Manufacturing Company (ann-arbor)
- Florida Heritage Trails (tallahassee)
- Food Organizer's Guide (1984) (oakland)
- Foremost Dairies (oakland)
- Forgotten Mailbox Posts (oakland)
- Former Halfway House (islavista)
- Fort Lowell Park (tucson)
- Fort Meigs (toledo)
- Fort Negley Park (nashville)
- Fox Theatre (tucson)
- Fox Tucson Theater (rialtotheatertucson)
- Fox Typewriter (gr)
- Fox West Coast Theaters (oakland)
- Francis and Abbie Solon House (cu)
- Francis Marion "Borax" Smith (oakland)
- Frank Lloyd Wright Spire (scottsdale)
- Frank Ogawa (oakland)
- Fred C. Turner (oakland)
- Frederic H. Pease (ann-arbor)
- Fred Korematsu (oakland)
- Freedom of Oakland award (oakland)
- Freedom Tower (miami)
- Fruitvale Avenue Railroad Bridge (oakland)
- Fur Traders & Trappers (boise)
- Future Oakland (oakland)
- Gabriel Godfroy (ann-arbor)
- Gateway Arch (st-louis)
- Genealogical Society of Washtenaw County (ann-arbor)
- Gentrification (oakland)
- George Brandt and Company's Union Brewery (gr)
- George P. Burns (ann-arbor)
- George W. Flick (oakland)
- Ghirardelli House (oakland)
- Giant Burger (oakland)
- Gibbons' Point (oakland)
- Gibson Family (oakland)
- Gibson Terminal (oakland)
- Gilkey Manor (oakland)
- Golden Gate Bridge (projectassignment) (sf)
- Golden Gateway (sf)
- Golden State Ostrich Farm (oakland)
- Goldfield Ghost Town (apachejunction)
- Gold Star Streets (oakland)
- Gone!--Baby's Gone (film) (oakland)
- Goodwood Museum & Gardens (tallahassee)
- Građevine i povijest (gradac)
- Grand Army of the Republic (historic) (oakland)
- Granite Dells (prescott)
- Granny Goose (oakland)
- Great Earthquake of 1868 (oakland)
- Great Western Power Company (Historic) (oakland)
- Greek Row (tucson)
- Greenhood and Morans (oakland)
- Greenstreets (oakland)
- Grove Street Pier (oakland)
- Guadalajara Grill (tucson)
- Gypsies in Oakland (Historic) (oakland)
- Hacienda Del Sol Guest Ranch (tucson)
- Hagstrom's Food Stores (oakland)
- Hahndorf Walking Tours (adelaide-hills)
- Harriet Speckart (pdx)
- Hawthorne Army Depot (hawthorne)
- Hazen Schumacher (ann-arbor)
- Henderson Luelling (oakland)
- Henry S. Crocker (oakland)
- Heritage Hill Properties (gr)
- Highland Cemetery (ann-arbor)
- Hildegard Proctor Limousine (ann-arbor)
- Hiram Tubbs (oakland)
- Historians (oakland)
- Historical Events (tulsa)
- Historical Lakes (sf)
- Historical Landmarks (boise)
- Historical Societies (ann-arbor)
- Historic Arlington Neighborhood Association (arlington-heights)
- Historic Building Documentation Project (oakland)
- Historic Buildings (ann-arbor)
- Historic districts (ann-arbor)
- Historic Hotel Congress (tucson)
- Historic Landmarks (ftl)
- Historic Preservation (oakland)
- Historic Rabbit Trails (oakland)
- History (sf)
- History (tiburon)
- History (oakland)
- History (cu)
- History (toledo)
- History (cary)
- History Editathon 1 (oakland)
- History Editathons (Planning Page) (oakland)
- History of Activism in Oakland (oakland)
- History of Annexation (oakland)
- History of Champaign (cu)
- History of Fort Lauderdale (ftl)
- History of Immigration (oakland)
- History of Isla Vista (islavista)
- History of Mexican and Latino Americans (oakland)
- History of Mormonism in Idaho (boise)
- History of Oakland Hackerspaces (oakland)
- History of Springfield: 1960s to 2000s (springfield)
- History of the Name (boise)
- History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library (cu)
- History Research (oakland)
- History/sports (tallahassee)
- H. K. Jackson (oakland)
- Holocaust Memorial (miami)
- Home of Eternity Cemetery (oakland)
- Home of Peace Cemetery (oakland)
- Home Sweet Home (Arlington Heights History Online) (arlington-heights)
- Horace W. Carpentier (oakland)
- Hot Chocolate Lounge (oakland)
- Hotel Oakland (oakland)
- Hou Shaoqiu Sculpture (sjez)
- Howard Terminal (oakland)
- Hugh Dimond (oakland)
- Humboldt Park Hotel (oakland)
- Huron River Corridor Master Plan of 1905 (ann-arbor)
- Hydroelectricity in Minneapolis (twincities)
- Ida Louise Jackson (oakland)
- Idora Park (oakland)
- Illinois Digital Archive (arlington-heights)
- Illinois State Museum (cu)
- Ina Coolbrith (oakland)
- India Basin (sf)
- Infantorium (twincities)
- Influential People of Boise (boise)
- Influenza Plot (oakland)
- Information on Mission San Xavier del Bac (tucson)
- International Harvester Company of America (oakland)
- Irish in Chicago (chicago)
- Irrigating the Desert (boise)
- Isaac Flood (oakland)
- Iseley Farms (alamance)
- Israel Kashow (tiburon)
- Italian American (oakland)
- It's It (sf)
- Jackson Furniture (oakland)
- James Huff Stout (menomonie)
- James Presho (oakland)
- Japanese American Community (oakland)
- Japanese Friendship Garden (camelback-mountain)
- Jennie Prentiss (oakland)
- Jesse William Ford (oakland)
- Jewish American (oakland)
- Jewish Cultural Experience Mural (oakland)
- Jingletown (oakland)
- J. Knox Corbett House (tucson)
- Joe's Star Lounge (ann-arbor)
- John Bryan (ann-arbor)
- John Mueller only photographs (adelaide-hills)
- John Reed (tiburon)
- John Ross Browne (oakland)
- Johns Hopkins (crofton)
- John Sinclair (ann-arbor)
- John Z. Gault (ann-arbor)
- Joseph Becht (oakland)
- Joseph Herzog (oakland)
- Joseph S. Emery (emeryville)
- Julia Morgan (oakland)
- Julia Tuttle (miami)
- Julius G. Kellersberger (oakland)
- Justitia Davis Scott (oakland)
- Kahn's Department Store (oakland)
- Kaiser Foundation School of Nursing (oakland)
- Kappa Alpha Theta (tucson)
- KDIA Radio Station (oakland)
- Kempf House (ann-arbor)
- Key Route Basin (oakland)
- Key Route Plaza mural (oakland)
- Key System (oakland)
- Key System Mole and Ferry Terminal (oakland)
- Klinknerville (oakland)
- KLS Radio Station (oakland)
- Koncepts Cultural Gallery (oakland)
- Ku Klux Klan (oakland)
- Kusterer Brewing Company's City Brewery (gr)
- KZM Radio Station (oakland)
- Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research at the University of Arizona (tucson)
- Labor History (oakland)
- La Casa Cordova (tucson)
- Ladies Relief Society (oakland)
- Lake Ella (tallahassee)
- Lake Menomin (menomonie)
- Lake Merritt Boat Landing (oakland)
- Lake Merritt Drownings & Near-Drownings (oakland)
- Lake Merritt History (oakland)
- Landmarks Archives (tiburon)
- Landmarks Art and Garden Center (tiburon)
- Landvale Bridge (oakland)
- Laundry Farm (oakland)
- Laurel District History (oakland)
- Lawrence P. Crouchett (oakland)
- Leamington Hotel (oakland)
- Learn about San Francisco history (sf)
- Lehnhardt's Candies (oakland)
- Lemmon Herbarium (oakland)
- Lennar Corporation (sf)
- Leon High School (tallahassee)
- Leways (sf)
- Lewis Henry Jones (ann-arbor)
- LGBTQ Articles Archive (cu)
- L.H. Woolley (oakland)
- Lincoln Elementary School (oakland)
- Lincoln Park Zoo (chicago)
- Lincoln Theatre (oakland)
- List of area historical societies (ann-arbor)
- Little Girls' Christian Association (oakland)
- Liverpool Firsts (liverpool)
- Liverpool History (liverpool)
- Local History (tulsa)
- Local History Editathons (oakland)
- Locöl Barley & Vine (seattle)
- Loma Prieta earthquake (oakland)
- London Bridge (lhc)
- Looking Back at Belvedere Plaque, Belvedere Pk (tiburon)
- Looking Back at Belvedere Plaque, Cedar Lane (tiburon)
- Looking Back at Belvedere Plaque, Cove Road (tiburon)
- Looking Back at Belvedere Plaque, Peninsula Road (tiburon)
- Looking Back at Belvedere Plaques (tiburon)
- Lorado Taft (cu)
- Lost City (richmond-va)
- Lowell Observatory (flagstaffaz)
- Lowriders (oakland)
- Luick Brothers Lumber Company (ann-arbor)
- Luna Park Cafe (seattle)
- Luther M. Hudson (oakland)
- Lydia Flood (oakland)
- Lyford House (tiburon)
- Lyford's Stone Tower (tiburon)
- MacArthur-Broadway Shopping Center (oakland)
- MacArthur Freeway (oakland)
- MacArthur Maze (oakland)
- Maclise Drugstore Building (oakland)
- Madison Harvey, Jr. (oakland)
- Maneki (seattle)
- Marcella Ford (oakland)
- Marcus Foster (oakland)
- Martin M. Hoffman Co. (oakland)
- Mary Jane Thompson (oakland)
- Mary R. Smith (oakland)
- Mary Smith Home for Friendless Girls (oakland)
- Mayme C. Netherland (oakland)
- Mayor of Ann Arbor (ann-arbor)
- Mayors of Oakland (oakland)
- Mayors Of San Francisco (sf)
- Mayway building (oakland)
- McKale Center (tucson)
- Measure T (oakland)
- Melvin C. Chapman (oakland)
- Memorials (boise)
- Menomonie Blue Caps (menomonie)
- Metropole Hotel (oakland)
- Michigan Central Railroad (ann-arbor)
- Michigan Place Names (book) (ann-arbor)
- Military Intelligence Service Language School (twincities)
- Millerism (akron)
- Mirador De La Flor - Selena Quintanilla-Perez (corpus)
- Mi Rancho (oakland)
- Miss Effie (oakland)
- Missing Plaque Project (toronto)
- Mission San Jose High School (fremont)
- Mission San Xavier Del Bac (tucson)
- M. Justin Herman (sf)
- MNopedia (twincities)
- Monolithic History of Ann Arbor (ann-arbor)
- monorail (seattle)
- Monroe Street (tallahassee)
- Montclair Railroad Trail (oakland)
- Morningside (miami)
- Moses Chase (oakland)
- Mosswood Park Airplane (oakland)
- Mother's Cookies (oakland)
- Mountain View Cemetery (oakland)
- Mount Davis (oakland)
- Mount Lemmon (tucson)
- Mt.Lemmon (tucson)
- Mt. Lemmon (tucson)
- Mudflat Sculptures (emeryville)
- Multimedia Sites about Oakland (oakland)
- Museum of Coral Springs History (coralsprings)
- Museums (tulsa)
- music history (oakland)
- M W Upton (oakland)
- Naming of Oakland (oakland)
- National Lodge (oakland)
- National Register of Historic Places (Oakland) (oakland)
- Natives of Dade (miami)
- Net Depot (tiburon)
- Networks (oakland)
- Newberry Library (chicago)
- New Industries of Oakland – 1920 (oakland)
- N.L. Buck (oakland)
- Northern Illinois Civil War Round Table (arlington-heights)
- Northland Anti-War Coalition (duluth)
- Northwest Railway Museum (snoq)
- nostalgia (sf)
- NRG Stadium (houston)
- Oakland Army Base (oakland)
- Oakland Bank of Savings (oakland)
- Oakland Chamber of Commerce Building (oakland)
- Oakland Chicano Moratorium (oakland)
- Oakland City Hall (oakland)
- Oakland City Hall/1879 (oakland)
- Oakland City Hall/Historic (oakland)
- Oakland City Jail (oakland)
- Oakland Community School (oakland)
- Oakland Economic Development Council (oakland)
- Oakland Expositions (oakland)
- Oakland Ferry Services (Historic) (oakland)
- Oakland Firestorm 1991 (oakland)
- Oakland Gas Light Company (oakland)
- Oakland Guard (oakland)
- Oakland Hebrew Benevolent Society (oakland)
- Oakland High School (oakland)
- Oakland Historical Landmarks (oakland)
- Oakland History (oakland)
- Oakland History Center (oakland)
- Oakland House (oakland)
- Oakland Hymn (oakland)
- Oakland Incorporation (Historic) (oakland)
- Oaklandish (oakland)
- Oakland Library (Historic) (oakland)
- Oakland Lodge of Perfection (oakland)
- Oakland Long Wharf (oakland)
- Oakland Main Post Office (oakland)
- Oakland Nationalist Club (oakland)
- Oakland Newspapers (Past & Present) (oakland)
- Oakland Opera Lecture Club (oakland)
- Oakland Parks and Recreation (oakland)
- Oakland Police Department/Line of Duty Deaths (oakland)
- Oakland Post (oakland)
- Oakland Project (oakland)
- Oakland Redevelopment Agency (oakland)
- Oakland's Not for Burning (book) (oakland)
- Oakland (song) (oakland)
- Oakland Stompers (oakland)
- Oakland Street Directory (1887) (oakland)
- Oakland the Beautiful (song) (oakland)
- Oakland Tivoli Opera (oakland)
- Oakland Trotting Park (oakland)
- Oakland Underground (oakland)
- Oakland Urban Paths (oakland)
- Oakland Wiki Oral History Project (oakland)
- Occupy Oakland (oakland)
- OCCUR (oakland)
- Ohlone (oakland)
- Old Building Portal (oakland)
- Old County Fair Grounds (gr)
- Old Highway 80 (san-diego)
- Old Main, University of Arizona (tucson)
- Old Mill of Guilford (greensboro)
- Old Mission Police Station (sf)
- Old St. Hilary's (tiburon)
- Old Tucson Studios (tucson)
- Olvera Street (la)
- Oregon Trail (boise)
- Original Kasper's Hot Dogs (oakland)
- Original Research on Oakland Wiki (oakland)
- Orpheum Theater (phx)
- Our Lady of Lourdes Church (oakland)
- PACA (cu)
- Pacific Coast Shredded Wheat Company (oakland)
- Palace Candy Shoppe & Bakery (oakland)
- Palace Of Fine Arts (sf)
- Palm Knoll (oakland)
- Palm Trees (oakland)
- Panama Hotel Bed & Breakfast (seattle)
- Pancho Villa Statue (tucson)
- Pasadena (la)
- Paved Area of Campus Point (islavista)
- Peerless Coffee & Tea (oakland)
- Peoples Water Company (oakland)
- Peralta Hacienda Historical Park (oakland)
- Philo Ferrier (ann-arbor)
- Phoenix Art Museum (phx)
- Phoenix Melrose District (phx)
- Photo: Benson Memorial Library (titusvillepa)
- photos/1957 looking north on Broadway (oakland)
- Photos of Danville (danville)
- Phyllis Wheatley Club of the East Bay (oakland)
- Picnooga (cha)
- Pictorial History of African Americans of Champaign County (cu)
- Piedmont Avenue Branch Library (oakland)
- Piedmont Baths (oakland)
- Piedmont Park (Historic) (oakland)
- Pike Place Market (seattle)
- Pima Air and Space Museum (tucson)
- Pima County Public Library (tucson)
- Pioneer Square Station (seattle)
- Pittsfield Township Historical Society (ann-arbor)
- Planning in and around Oakland (oakland)
- Pleasant Walks and Drives about Ann Arbor (ann-arbor)
- Police Telegraph Boxes/Police Call Boxes (Historic) (oakland)
- Political History of Oakland (oakland)
- Pomo (oakland)
- Pony Express (oakland)
- Posey Tube (oakland)
- Post Offices (Historic) (oakland)
- Power Structure and Urban Policy: Who Rules in Oakland? (oakland)
- Prairie Archives (springfield)
- Prairie View Cemetery (cu)
- Preservation Detroit (detroit)
- Preservation Park (oakland)
- Presidential Visits to Oakland (oakland)
- Previous Surveillance Efforts in Oakland (oakland)
- Principal Industries of West Oakland – 1920 (oakland)
- Prohibition in Oakland (oakland)
- Providence Hospital (oakland)
- Pullman Hotel (cu)
- Queen Mary (longbeachca)
- Queer History (oakland)
- Radio History (detroit)
- Railroad & Ferry Museum (tiburon)
- Railroads (oakland)
- Railroads Come to Town (boise)
- Rancho San Antonio (oakland)
- Raymond Dabb Yelland (oakland)
- Redevelopment (oakland)
- Redlining (sf)
- Redlining (oakland)
- Redlining in San Francisco (sf)
- Redwood Peak Tunnel (oakland)
- Reginald A. Pearman (oakland)
- Reid Park Zoo (tucson)
- Reliance Athletic Club (oakland)
- Rhode Island Overview (ri)
- Rialto Theatre (tucson)
- Rice Park (twincities)
- Richmond Museum of History (richmond-ca)
- Rillito Race Track (tucson)
- Rock Island Swing Bridge (twincities)
- Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building (oakland)
- Rosalia Labastida de Coney (oakland)
- Rose Bowl (la)
- Royal Towns (oakland)
- Roy C. Blackburn (oakland)
- Roy P. Drachman Agua Caliente Park (tucson)
- Russell City (hayward)
- Sabino Canyon (tucson)
- Saint Mary's Cemetery (oakland)
- Sam's Anchor Cafe (tiburon)
- Samuel B. Merritt (oakland)
- San Damiano Retreat (san-ramon)
- San Francisco before and after (sf)
- San Francisco Business (magazine) (sf)
- San Francisco is losing its soul (sf)
- Santa Cruz History (santacruz)
- Santa Monica Pier (santa-monica)
- Schilling Gardens (oakland)
- Secret Oakland (oakland)
- Segregation (oakland)
- Sentinel Peak: "A" Mountain (tucson)
- Sentinel Peak Park (tucson)
- Sewers of Oakland (oakland)
- Shellmounds (oakland)
- Sidewalk Stamps (oakland)
- "Sigame" Sculpture (oakland)
- SkyTram (sf)
- Smelling Herself (oakland)
- Snell Seminary (oakland)
- Snow Museum (oakland)
- Sonora Mural (tucson)
- Sonoran Desert Museum (tucson)
- Sources for Research (aroostook)
- Southerly/Northerly Signs (oakland)
- Southern Arizona Transportation Museum (tucson)
- Southern Pacific roundhouse (slo)
- Speed Line (ann-arbor)
- Splash Pad Park (oakland)
- Sports History (oakland)
- St. Augustine's Episcopal Church (oakland)
- St. Joseph's Academy (oakland)
- St. Marks Railroad Trail (tallahassee)
- St. Mary's Church (oakland)
- Stone Quarries (Historical) (oakland)
- Stop the Draft Week (oakland)
- Stories of Chelsea (ann-arbor)
- St. Patrick's Cemetery (cu)
- St. Paul's Original High Bridge (twincities)
- Stranahan House (ftl)
- Strangers' Plot (oakland)
- Sun Link (tucson)
- Sunshine Biscuit Factory (oakland)
- Swan's Market (oakland)
- Swayne Field (toledo)
- Taco Bell (Telegraph and W. Grand Avenues) (oakland)
- Taco Charley (oakland)
- Taft & Pennoyer (oakland)
- Tallahassee History (tallahassee)
- Tarea Hall Pittman (oakland)
- Target Area Advisory Committees (TAAC) (oakland)
- Ted Heusel (ann-arbor)
- Telephone Exchanges (oakland)
- The Akron Ale House (buffalo)
- The Arizona Science Center (tucson)
- The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum (tucson)
- The Armory (sf)
- The Bahá'í Faith in the Triangle (raleigh)
- The Big Four (oakland)
- The California League (oakland)
- The Color of Power: Racial Coalitions and Political Power in Oakland (book) (oakland)
- The Donner Party (springfield)
- The Gaslight Theatre (tucson)
- The Green Room (ann-arbor)
- The Illustrated Directory of Oakland, California (oakland)
- The Interurban--Catalyst for Suburban Growth (boise)
- The Jewish Federation (oakland)
- The King's Daughters Home (oakland)
- The Knave (oakland)
- The Knight Family (miami)
- The Lexington Club (sf)
- The Loft Cinema (tucson)
- The Marlborough Apartment Hotel Fire (twincities)
- The Occidental (ann-arbor)
- The Old Pima County Courthouse (tucson)
- The Parkway (oakland)
- The Plymire-Schwarz House (sfbay)
- The Realty Syndicate (oakland)
- The Reid Park Zoo in Tucson (tucson)
- The Riders (oakland)
- The "Solid Six" (City Council 1890s) (oakland)
- The "Solid Six" (Mary R. Smith) (oakland)
- The Station at Southern Rail (raleigh)
- The Strip District (pittsburgh)
- The Tack Room (tucson)
- The Tucson Rodeo (tucson)
- The Wells Fargo History Museum (phx)
- The Wildcat Manufactory (ann-arbor)
- The Yuma Territorial Prison (yuma)
- Timeline (sf)
- Timeline (oakland)
- Tohono Chul (tucson)
- Toledo History Museum (toledo)
- Town of Montebello (boise)
- Trader Vic's (oakland)
- Trail Dust Town (tucson)
- Transportation History (oakland)
- Tribune Building and Tower (oakland)
- Tubbs Hotel (oakland)
- Tucson Historic Warehouse Arts District (tucson)
- Tucson Pima Air & Space Museum (tucson)
- Tucson Police Department History (tucson)
- Tumamoc Hill (tucson)
- Tusch Brothers' Cincinnati Brewery (gr)
- Tuttle Cheese Co. (oakland)
- Two Stickney (toledo)
- Typhoid Fever (oakland)
- Unbuilt Oakland (oakland)
- UNCG Alumni Brick Path (greensboro)
- Union Station (Los Angeles) (la)
- United Nations (oakland)
- United Sound Systems (detroit)
- University of Arizona (tucson)
- University of Arizona Main Library (tucson)
- University of Arizona Museum of Optics (tucson)
- University of California (oakland)
- Users/jnrwls (santacruz)
- Users/WinslowDiPiazza (gr)
- U.S. Highway 50 (oakland)
- USS Arizona Mall Memorial at the University of Arizona (tucson)
- USS Maine Torpedo Port (oakland)
- Valley of the Moon (tucson)
- Varsity Sweet Shop (sf)
- Veit and Rathmann's Eagle Brewery (gr)
- Vernon J. Sappers (oakland)
- Victor H. Metcalf House (oakland)
- Vittorio Alfieri Club (oakland)
- Walking the Invisible City (oakland)
- Walking Tours (oakland)
- Walk of Fame (oakland)
- Wallace's Tavern (ann-arbor)
- Wartime Civil Control Administration Station (oakland)
- Washington Square (historical) (oakland)
- Washtenaw County Historical Society (ann-arbor)
- Water Supply (oakland)
- Water War (Historic) (oakland)
- Webster Street Bridge Disaster (1890) (oakland)
- West Coast Negro Baseball Association (oakland)
- Western American (oakland)
- William Hillegass (oakland)
- William M. Watts (oakland)
- William R. Pittman (oakland)
- William Shorey (oakland)
- Willie Williams (oakland)
- Wirt and Mary Cornwell (ann-arbor)
- W. N. Jenkins Jeweler (oakland)
- Women in Aviation (oakland)
- Women's History (oakland)
- Women's Suffrage in Oakland (oakland)
- Wonderland Amusement Park (twincities)
- Woodruff's Grove (ann-arbor)
- Woody Guthrie's 100 Anniversary (tulsa)
- Worlds of Words (tucson)
- Wright F. Kelsey (oakland)
- Wrigley Field (chicago)
- Wrigley Mansion Phoenix (main)
- Years (sac)
- Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (sf)
- Youngstown (seattle)
- Young Women's Christian Association of Oakland (oakland)
- Ypsilanti Border League Baseball (ann-arbor)
- Ypsilanti Flour Mills (ann-arbor)
- Ypsilanti Gleanings (ann-arbor)
- Ypsilanti Historical Museum (ann-arbor)
- Ypsilanti Historical Society (ann-arbor)
- Zoe Ann Olsen (oakland)
- 大正6年高槻堤切れ (hirakata)
- 天保義民碑 (hirakata)
- 明治以降の淀川洪水と対策 (hirakata)