Christ Chapel 1464 University Dr. Boise, Idaho 83725

The church is a white Gothic revival that was built in 1866. The gothic style stained glass windows are all original aside from one that stolen and had to be replaced. The window in the back behind the pastor’s chair depicts the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. The benches are also all original, and the organ which is not original was made to represent the time period. The bell atop the church is still in working condition, weighs 439 pounds and can still be heard for miles.

The church has been moved three times, and is now on the corner of Broadway and University, on the Boise State Campus. In 1963 it was designated for preservation and was moved to its current location. This building was preserved through the efforts of the Idaho Statesman and the Sons and Daughters of Idaho Pioneers. Today, the church is still owned and operated by the Christ Chapel Historical Society. The corporation consists of only three people.

The church is a favorite location because of its age and the affordable rate it charges for weddings, $50 an hour. I think it would be a popular pick for brides because it is a cozy size and rather cute. Many modern day churches are so large some may think them to be rather cold, especially if it is a small wedding.

For more information or images, see the Boise Architecture Project

Do you have an additional church recommendation that is historic? Or just beautiful for a wedding?