Welcome to the Darien, CT wiki! To try and keep the wiki consistent in appearance with links going between the pages, this best practices page will detail the way pages are best created and managed here. 

LocalWiki Help Guide

Page Layout

When creating different sections, use the Heading 2 format. (Look at the toolbar and click on Normal then on Heading 2). Use a Heading 3 format if you have a combination page (like Metro-North) which includes information about two different train stations. The sections names for each station is in Heading 2. However, additional sections under each train station is written in Heading 3. 

At the top of pages, put their basic information (address, website, phone number) in a single row with a hashpipe between each item with space on either side. Then highlight the line and click on Normal in the edit toolbar then select Formatted. This will give you a nice menu bar at the top of the page. For an example, see the Bodega Taco Bar page. For restaurants, add a link to their menu. 

Link addresses to a Google Maps search for that address so people can find their way to that location with ease.

Phone numbers should be written as: 203-123-4567.

Add Within Walking Distance as an approriate section as approriate. See an example on the Metro-North page. It includes a walking distance estimator to let you know how far things are from each other. 


What you write is public. Be kind and respectful. Follow Craig Ferguson's Three Rules:

  1. Does this need to be said?
  2. Does this need to be said by me?
  3. Does this need to be said by me now?