La Familia is a support group for Chicano/a, Latino/a students that also identify within the LGBTQIA community. They are a social/support group open to people identified as any form of latin@ and any form of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trangsender, intersexed, queer or questioning identity. Our group meetings are a place where can come together to talk about issues affecting us on campus and off, share, plan events, and have fun.

Meetings are closed sessions to protect the members that may not be out of the closet. For info email our leadership listerv at [email protected].

Mission Statement

La Familia is a community-based peer support group dedicated to addressing issues at the intersection of sexuality, gender, and ethnicity while creating a safe place for its members to explore and embrace both their queer and ethnic identities.

Our group strives to provide a safe and social environment from which our members can promote their identities to break the bounds of repression that exist in our community.

We are committed to challenging and educating ourselves as well as others with the issues of celebration, the process of coming out, and the deconstruction of heterosexism and homophobia.

Let our fearlessness and passion break the silence imposed on and expected of us so that we may determine our individual destinies.


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