Molly Fluet Molly Fluet was a Political Science major and was the ASUCD Vice President for the 2008-2009 term, winning her seat in the Winter 2008 ASUCD election. Fluet also served as an ASUCD Senator, having ran with the LEAD slate in the Fall 2006 ASUCD Election. She is both a former External Affairs Commissioner and an Internal Affairs Commissioner. She is a sister in Delta Delta Delta as well as a lifeguard for the Rec pool.

For the Summer 2007 she is an intern for Congressman Rahm Emanuel in his Chicago office.

Authored Legislation

  • Senate Bill # 75: An ASUCD Senate Bill to allocate $999 from Capital Reserves to purchase Logic Pro (V 7.2) for KDVS (Passed 11-0-1)


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