Davis has a song? Who knew?

Lyrics and an mp3 of The Davis Song. Reposted here, dwiki-style!

The Davis Song by Full House

16 miles from Sacramento, heading west on 80. You will find an oasis where avenues are shady. Laid out on a grid of alphabets and ordinal numbers, You'll find merchants selling pizza, cars, groceries and lumber.

Folks go ped'ling to and fro, to work, to shop, to classes. Others sit and chat at cafes, clinking ice-chilled glasses. Some would rather jog about, or do some skateboard jive. Yes I guess, I really must admit, some people drive.

The city I sing of is DAVIS. It's the place the UC Regents gave us, Over hundred summers are the norm I better warn ya. D-A-V-I-S C-A spells Davis California.

Aggies, bikes, tomatoes, Picnic Day, green belts and vet school, Farmers Market and the Rec Pool Amtrak stops here umpteen times a day, What more could a person ask for, what more can I say? Oh!

Pu-tah Creek, the Ar-bor-ee-tum, Cen-tral Park, you just can't beat um. Solar homes and a sloooow freight train through town, I don't understand how any one can put it down.

The city I sing of is DAVIS. Where the peace of mind I crave is If I ever move I know I'm gonna mourn ya, D-A-V-I-S C-A spells Davis California Some may claim we're in the sticks...please write 95616 ....And now that we are oh so great, we’ve added 95618.

Written by Heidi M. Bekebrede Originally written in 1987, updated in 2007 Record funded in part by the City of Davis Civic Arts Commission

I Wish I Was a TV - the B-side of the Davis Song 7"

This is an amazing song


Turn on your screens now... human beans now. Turn on your screens now... human beans now. Turn on your screens now... human beans now.


I want to be your T.V. So that you'd listen to me. I want to be your T.V. So that you would pay attention, pay attention.

This 7" was a fundraiser premium during the KDVS Fundraiser for 2007