This is a page for swapping tickets for the UCD Commencement ceremonies. If you have tickets to offer, or need tickets, this is the place for you. Please don't forget to list which commencement, including time, you have/need tickets for. According to university regulations, you may not sell or buy tickets, or trade them for anything of monetary value, so let's try to keep it friendly.


June 2022 Ceremonies/Tickets Wanted or Available: entries go below.

You may add your swap as a comment, but it would be even better if you hit the edit button at the top of the page and add it in yourself! Good luck!  PS: the button to the left of the green puzzle piece button adds the nice tidy grey dividing line when you are editing.  TAGS are the worst way of adding an entry.  Just WRITE a little blurb


  1. Need a ticket for June 11th 2022. Im married and I and my wife have two parents that would like to come + my wife.. so I am short 1 ticket         [email protected]  if you have a spare "I would like to follow UCD regulations" ;)
  2. I need a ticket for June 11th 2022 as well. I want my mom, dad, 2 brothers, and husband to be present so I need 1 more ticket. If anyone is able to help me I would really appreciate it! My email is [email protected]