Tell us what YOU think 2014 candidates for Mayor should focus on! Take the 2014 Mayor Key Issues Survey

The Oakland Wiki 2014 Mayoral Election Team is a group of volunteers who are interested in documenting the 2014 Oakland Mayoral Election and ensuring that top concerns for Oakland voters are addressed by the candidates.

What Are We Doing?

In order to ensure that mayoral candidates address voters' concerns during the election we are:

  • Creating entries on Oakland Wiki with detailed information on the candidates and their positions.
  • Conducting an open survey of Oakland residents to determine the issues that they would like candidates to take a position on. Take the survey here and check out the results so far!
  • Going to public meetings and asking candidates to provide positions for the issues that voters have identified as important as a result of the survey.
  • Planning a mayoral candidate debate for 2014 candidates.

Who Are We?

The idea for the team came from conversations on twitter from the "#oakmtg" crew - people who livetweet Oakland City Council meetings and discuss City Council issues.

Team Members include..


We Want Your Input!

We are currently putting together list of key topics that Oakland voters want to hear from the candidates about. Do you want to know what the candidates plan to do on public safety, economic development, and more? Please add your suggestion to our form and we will add them to our list of questions that we ask candidates in public meetings and add them to the candidates' Oakland Wiki entries.

Do you want to contribute to the information available for Oakland residents as we head into the 2014 mayoral election? We need you! Contribute at the 2014 Mayoral Election entry and help us make this the most informed mayoral election in Oakland's history.


2014 Mayoral Election Page

Learn all about the candidates, issues, and how you can participate at the 2014 Mayoral Election entry.