The Oakland Youth Ventures Joint Powers Authority (OYVJPA) is an inter-agency government agreement between Oakland Public Agencies and Alameda County to exercise jointly held power to transcend the boundaries of existing frameworks to institutionalize support systems and strategies that achieve universal outcomes for youth and families. Created in 2006 as part of a growing trend of SF Bay Area municipalities and governmental agencies leveraging the Marks-Roos Act (1985) to create commissions and initiatives in the public interest, it provides a flexible alternative method for expanding, developing, and pooling capital with mutual responsibility for meaningful outcomes and joint credit for success. The OYVJPA JPA is administered by a small, local, backbone staff that coordinates regular engagement between public agencies and community based organizations via Brown Acted meetings and campaign development.

Existing examples of JPAs in Oakland include the Oakland - Alameda Coliseum JPA Commission which works to finance improvements to the Coliseum Complex and manage it on behalf of the City and the County.